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Health Devotional


Class Reunion: Looking Good and Feeling Great

Saturday, September 7, 2024
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After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 1 Thess. 4:17, NIV.

My fortieth college class reunion was coming up in two months. "I would love to lose at least 15 pounds, but I can't seem to. My weight set point has gone from 120 up to 130, and I even weigh 134 now. That's the heaviest I've ever been except when I was pregnant," I told my physician-husband.

I'm a health educator, so I'd been going faithfully to a local track and jogging. I thought I was watching what I ate on my semi-vegetarian diet and allowed myself dessert only on Saturdays. But as hard as I tried, my weight would not drop below 130. Then I heard a health lecturer talk about a very low-fat, starch-based total vegetarian diet that included fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, peas, and lentils.

"Substantial changes bring substantial results," he said. Well, I was motivated! I prayed for God's help with my sugar addiction and stopped eating desserts entirely, except for fruit. I joined a health club, began walking vigorously two miles three or four times a week, and cut back on dietary fat.

Wonder of wonders! I couldn't believe the bathroom scale. One to three pounds a week started dropping off. I could start wearing clothes on the "too small" pile in the attic. As I lost the 15 pounds, my borderline cholesterol came down 25 percent within a month, my resting heart rate reduced to the 60s, and my energy level was high.

The class reunion was great fun, but best of all, I'm still on the new lifestyle. My weight stays down as long as I continue to eat this way and to exercise. I still have to keep a close eye on my hereditary cholesterol problem, so I can't get lazy about the exercise.

There's nothing like going to a class reunion looking good and feeling great! I'm looking forward to another "class reunion." That's when Jesus calls all His "students" home to live with Him forever. Since He made me what I am, I want to make sure when He sees me that I'm looking good and feeling great!

Are you looking good and feeling great spiritually? There's always room for improvement. Follow God's biblically based program and live abundantly.

Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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