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Health Devotional


Look for Little Gifts From God

Tuesday, July 23, 2024
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He who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals his thoughts to man, he who turns dawn to darkness, and treads the high places of the earth—the Lord God Almighty is his name. Amos 4:13, NIV.

As soon as I got out of my car and started across the large parking lot, I felt it. A warm, gentle morning breeze. A breeze that played with my hair and fluttered my shirtsleeves. It had been so hot and still lately, and I accepted the breeze as one of those little gifts from God.

Closing my eyes and breathing the air in deeply, I tried to imagine how God does it. Is the wind God's breath blowing from the heavens? Did He start the wind sailing across the earth with a wave of His mighty hand? Or is it caused by angels swinging from the trees? It was one of the really perfect winds—not too hard or too soft—and for a moment I imagined that paved parking lot was Paradise. When the wind blows, I can't help thinking of His awesome glory—the Creator of the air we breathe, everything it brings life to, and the entire universe.

God created our amazing, life-giving atmosphere that we take for granted. By itself it's invisible and silent, but with a little force behind it, it can be a gentle breeze or a powerful blast. It's a wonderful gift that brings us life-sustaining qualities and also serves to rejuvenate the mind and body, relaxing us and serving as a great de-stressor. Also, it reminds us of God's power and gentleness.

Occasionally I seek release from the large office building where I spend much of my day by hiking down three flights of stairs and out the back door—into the fresh air. Almost instantly God's marvelous creation does its job. It clears my mind and allows me to reorganize my thoughts and put Jesus Christ back as top priority.

Try to get a little extra fresh air today, especially at times when you need a break. Step outside, take a deep breath, relax, and meditate on Christ. And the next time you feel a warm, gentle breeze, don't worry about your hair—think of it as a refreshing gift from your Creator.

Thank You, God, for the gentle breeze that reminds us that You are the Creator of the air we breathe. Indeed, You are the breath of life to regenerate our sagging souls.

Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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