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Health Devotional


Holding On for a Blessing

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
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Jacob replied, "I will not let you go unless you bless me." Gen. 32:26, NIV.

This text flashed into my mind during a long, pain-filled night following a freak tractor accident. A lengthy recovery loomed ahead of me because of the multiple injuries I had sustained, including a fractured hip socket that had been grafted, plated, and pinned. Nights were toughest to deal with and allowed plenty of time for reflection, wondering, and prayer. My life had been miraculously spared, but what now? I vacillated between hope and discouragement.

As the story of Jacob's all-night struggle against an unknown and unseen foe opened to my thoughts, I identified with the futility of his fight. Switching on the bedside lamp, I turned to Genesis 32 and read again how Jacob had sent his household across the stream and stayed behind to pray, fearing what would happen when he would meet his brother, Esau, whom he had wronged so long ago.

In the middle of the night the Lord came to him, but Jacob apparently thought someone sought to harm him, so he began to fight. "When the man [the Lord] saw that he could not overpower him [Jacob], he touched the socket of Jacob's hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man" (verse 25, NIV). At this point Jacob realized he had been struggling with the Lord, and replied, "I will not let you go unless you bless me" (verse 26, NIV). In spite of pain and discouragement, Jacob held on. Could I?

I desperately longed for something tangible, an anchor point for this crisis in my life. The story of Jacob drew me on as I recalled that he had not left the struggle unrewarded. "Then he blessed him there" (verse 29, NIV).

A blessing! Yes, that was my longing: meaning out of pain and long nights. What more important meaning could there be than a blessing from God? As though a light shone into my troubled mind, I experienced God's blessing as peace and acceptance enveloped my soul!

This anchor point of blessing has become a milestone of encouragement in my life. Jacob's all-night struggle; my dark experience; your blackest hour—God has a blessing waiting!

O, God of Jacob, I will not let You go unless You bless me, too! Though nights are long and struggles fierce, in my weakness I will cling to You in great anticipation of Your mighty blessing. Amen.

Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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