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Health Devotional


Hormones and Happiness

Wednesday, May 8, 2024
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Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Ps. 51:11, 12, NIV.

During my early 30s I struggled with a terrible, hopeless depression, combined with crying spells, tiredness, a grouchy disposition, paranoia, nightmares, and lower-back pain. My period came as often as two weeks apart, and I felt as if I were in a deep black hole.

At times I wanted my life to be over. I had seen a number of doctors—they wanted to write me prescriptions for Valium and told me to contact a psychiatrist. Finally, in confused desperation, I cried out, "Lord, if You are there, please help me! Bring joy and balance back into my life."

The very next day another minister's wife from a distant town called me. She said, "Kathy, I understand you are going through some real depression. I want to recommend a doctor."

I didn't want any more doctors, but she persuaded me to go anyway. After the doctor listened to my symptoms, his response amazed me. He said, "I can help you. I believe you have endometriosis. This means that when you have your period it affects your ovaries in such a way that they do not produce enough estrogen and progesterone."

He immediately scheduled me for a laparoscopy that proved his diagnosis correct. With a hysterectomy and estrogen therapy my symptoms disappeared, and God restored joy to my life.

I share this story because it may help others who suffer with such a disease that has been neglected or misdiagnosed. Before my experience I had a close friend with similar symptoms who took her own life. She didn't see any way out of that dark hole.

I'm so thankful that God led me to a health professional who understood my condition. When we lose balance and joy in our lives, we need friends and professionals to help. But most of all, we need to realize our dependence on God.

I know from personal experience that the Great Physician understands what it takes in each of our lives to restore and sustain us with His healing touch of balance and joy.

What healing do you need today to restore the joy and balance in your life and that of your family?

Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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