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Health Devotional


On Being "Living Stones"

As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him—you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:4, 5, NIV.

We were sailing from San Francisco out across the vast Pacific to our first mission appointment. Our ship was a cargo vessel, but its crew had been host to many Adventist missionaries before us. According to custom, crew and passengers ate meals together. Our first mate treated us like royalty. He knew what “good” Adventists could and could not eat, and conscientiously worked to make sure we were well accommodated with a vegetarian diet.

Why have Adventists become known better for the things that they can and cannot eat, rather than for the living gospel that they profess to believe? Why have some become so fanatical about preserving their health—at almost any cost? What was God’s real objective in making health such a central part of His message for the last days?

Adventists live longer than almost anyone else in their society. Is long life God’s purpose? They have a lower incidence of most cancers, and their heart attacks come later in life. Is this the reason? Or is there some benefit provided by good health that assures passage through the pearly gates into the heavenly city?

I think not.

The health message is God’s multipotential gift to our hurting world. Through it people can find a bit of relief from pain. It can open doors of interest to people’s hearts to receive the full gospel, and faithful followers of Jesus might find opportunity for spiritual growth through ministry to their fellow human beings.

While compliance with the laws governing our being often provides a whole host of benefits to those who practice them, their real goal is to make of us a living sacrifice to be offered upon the altar of the world’s needs. As such, whether we live or die as martyrs for the gospel, ours has been the special honor of sharing in the work of God and giving glory to His name. Could there be any greater possible reason to practice health’s broad principles with diligence and balance?

Why do you keep (or why don’t you keep) the biblical “laws of health”? Ask God to give you not only the willpower but also the correct motive to live healthfully.

Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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