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Health Devotional


Let the Sun Shine In

Saturday, May 11, 2024
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For you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. Mal. 4:2, NIV.

Sunshine has so many healing properties that it is really one of God's best preventive medicines. Medical science has found it to aid in the reduction of high blood pressure, the normalization of blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and even to help in reducing obesity by stimulating the thyroid gland, which regulates the rate in which the body burns calories. Many years ago medical science discovered that the sun's healing rays helped to cure tuberculosis by destroying disease-producing bacteria. Sunshine lifts our spirits. It truly is one of our God's natural stress reducers.

How fitting that the God who created the sun and gave it all its wonderful healing characteristics should Himself be called the Sun of righteousness. To those who love God and choose to invite Him into their hearts each morning, Jesus arises with healing in His wings.

Just as the sunshine dispels all the shadows and darkness of night and sends healing rays onto every living thing, causing them to grow and flourish, Jesus comes to rid the darkness and gloom from our lives. He arrives with a new supply of physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional energy for the challenges we will meet each day.

If you find your strength waning and long for courage and fortitude to meet life's difficulties, or if you want to be successful in sharing the love of Jesus, just open up your heart—and let the Sun shine in!

Jesus, Sun of righteousness, come into my soul;
Dispel the shades of dismal gloom; touch and make me whole.
Jesus, Sun of righteousness, there's healing in Your wings;
As You shine upon my life, my heart, my voice just sings!
Jesus, Sun of righteousness, take the dark of night;
Give me strength to share Your love; fill me with Your light.
Jesus, Sun of righteousness, I long to see Your face;
May I live like You today by Your amazing grace.

What three things can you do today to open up your heart to the Sun of righteousness?

Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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